Week of November 12th - Round of Applause Discount
Posted on November 12, 2018 Posted in Deal of the Week

This week, the week of November 12th 2018, ALB Tech is offering the Round of Applause Discount. The weather has turned chilly and leaves have almost all fallen. The deal of the day today is exactly as it sounds. Provide a round of applause – get a discount – it’s that simple. Come on into the shop for free diagnostics on you Mac or PC or to pick up something we’ve already fixed for you. When you get there, clap your hands repeatedly. While you are clapping, move your hands in a circle. This completes the so called “round of applause.” Once we see you doing this, we will know you have read this post and are deserving of the mighty nice deal of the week discount. It’s an 18% discount folks so get your clapping on. Strait clapping will not suffice!!! You must be going a circle making the round of applause. Indeed you can applaud yourself for earning a discount any day this week at the one and only ALB Tech repair shop in the Fan. Thanks for checking us out and we look forward to fixing you up soon!

The above round of applause discount is available this week only – the week of November 12th 2018.

ALB Tech – The Fan

1208 W. Main St.
Richmond, VA 23220

Phone: (804) 355 – 2491
Email: info@albtechrva.com