Week of October 29th - Halloween Plans Discount
Posted on October 29, 2018 Posted in Deal of the Week

This week, the week of October 29th 2018, ALB Tech will be offering a sugary sweet 17% discount off your total service just for sharing your Halloween plans. Although many parties occurred last weekend, Halloween is Wednesday of this week. It’s possible you still have Halloween plans… So you need computer repair and want to save money? Tell us what you’re doing Wednesday for Halloween. Going to a party or taking the kids trick or treating? Share this info and save money on services. That’s right, just let us know if you’re dressing up as Iron Man, Patrick from Sponge Bob, Steve Urkel from Family Matters, or even Chewbacca. Perhaps you are simply staying at home handing out candy or possibly going to a Halloween Party. You could be planning nothing at all. Whatever your Halloween 2018 plans are, share them with us this week at ALB Tech for sweet savings on PC and Mac repair in Richmond VA. Indeed all you have to do to save is come into the shop – mention that you read this post – lay your Halloween plans on us – get fixed and we will apply this easy deal of the week discount. All week long ladies and gentleman – stop on by – talk about Halloween plans – save money.

Save money on computer repair by talking Halloween plans (future or past [if later in the week]) at ALB Tech. This week only though – the week of October 29th 2018.

ALB Tech – The Fan

1208 W. Main St.
Richmond, VA 23220

Phone: (804) 355 – 2491
Email: info@albtechrva.com