Today is Saturday June 2nd 2018 and ALB Tech will be open at the Fan shop from from 11am to 2pm. The deal of the day today is the Favorite Summer Fruit Repair Discount. We know it sounds like it has little to do with computer repair… but it does save you money. Today you can save 17% on PC or Mac repair by simply letting us know what fruit you like best during this impending hot and humid summer season. Maybe it’s raspberries? Strawberries? Pineapples? Mangoes? Watermelon, cantaloupe, or honey dew? Perhaps its Passion Fruit that you love. Today, just pick one. Choose one and share with us your favorite summertime fruit. The discount is 17% discount off your total service and it’s super simple to receive. All you have to do to save is come into ALB Tech in the Fan today for free diagnostics, repair, or pickup. While in the shop, mention the name of your favorite summer fruit. It’s not hard to do. You don’t have to explain why or tell how you like to preapre it. Just let us know your summertime fructose bearing favorite. We’re here fixing stuff from 11am to 2pm – three hours to stop by and get fixed up. See you soon RVA, VCU, and beyond!
Today is Saturday June 2nd 2018 and ALB Tech will be open at the Fan shop from from 11am to 2pm. Yes – 2pm, it’s a Saturday!
Bring with you broken PCs and Macs and be prepared to talk summer fruits at:
ALB Tech – The Fan | 1208 W. Main St., Richmond, VA 23220 | (804) 355-2491