Field Sobriety Test Discount - Friday September 8th
Posted on September 8, 2017 Posted in Deal of the Day

Today is Friday September 8th 2017 and ALB Tech will be open from 11am to 5pm. The deal of the day today is the Field Sobriety Test Discount. What is that? Well… Drinking and driving is not cool. Don’t do it. As a reminder not to, we’re offering the Sobriety Field Test Discount. Although we are not RPD (definitely not), we are having a roadblock discount in the shop today. Here is what we want you to do. a.) come in the shop b.) stand on one leg c.) hold your arms out to the side and d.) close your eyes e.) take your non-dominant arm/ hand and touch your nose. Do so without fail and you’ll earn the deal of the week discount! (Actually, fail and we’ll still give you the discount). It’s funny to us either way, so you’ve earned the discount (it’s 18% of by the way).

Seriously ladies and gentleman, you can save money on PC and Mac repair today at ALB Tech just by doing your best at a field sobriety checkpoint (without the consequences). Yep, stand on one leg. Hold out your arms. Close your eyes. Touch your nose. Get your PC or Mac repaired this today and save big bucks. We’re here fixing stuff all day – stop on by. See you soon RVA @VCU!

Today is Friday September 8th 2017 and ALB Tech will be open from 11am to 5pm. Yes – 5pm, it’s a Friday!

Dont be scared to do the field test here:

ALB Tech  – The Fan | 1208 W. Main St., Richmond, VA 23220 | (804) 355-2491