Week of July 5th - Riverdance Attempt Discount
Posted on July 11, 2016 Posted in Deal of the Week

This week, the week of July 11th 2016, ALB Tech will be offering a cool 18% discount off your total service if you give us your best attempt at a field sobriety checkpoint. Yep – here is what we want you to do. a.) come in the shop b.) stand on one leg c.) hold your arms out to the side and d.) close your eyes e.) take your non-dominant and touch your nose. Do so without fail and you’ll earn the deal of the week discount! Actually, fail and we’ll still give you the discount. It’s funny to us either way, so you’ve earned the discount.

Seriously ladies and gentleman, you can save money on PC and Mac repair this week at ALB Tech just by doing your best at a field sobriety checkpoint (without the consequences). Yep, stand on one leg. Hold out your arms. Close your eyes. Touch your nose. Get your PC or Mac repaired this week and save big bucks. Take this a great summer reminder NOT to get behind the wheel after drinking – it’s not safe for you or others on the road.

Remember we have two locations – one in the Fan at 1208 W. Main St – next door to Papa Johns Pizza – and one in Mechanicsville at 8150 Mechanicsville Turnpike – close to the EVB Windmill Bank.

Easy enough… see you soon Richmond & Mechanicsville!

ALB Tech – The Fan

1208 W. Main St.
Richmond, VA 23220

Phone: (804) 355 – 2491
Email: info@albtechrva.com

ALB Tech – Mechanicsville

8150 Mechanicsville Turnpike
Mechanicsville, VA 23111

Phone: (804) 248 – 0094
Email: info@albtechrva.com