Week of January 1st - New Years 2018 Resolution Discount
Posted on January 1, 2018 Posted in Deal of the Week

This week, the week of January 1st 2017, ALB Tech will be starting the new year off with an excellent deal of the week. This deal applies to January 2nd and onward because we were closed on Monday the 1st. This fresh new year deal of the week is an 18% discount off your total repair service and it strait forward and easy to receive. All you have to do is come to the ALB Tech repair shop all week long for free diagnostics, repair, or pickup. While you are here, talk to us about your New Years Resolution. Have you started running? Giving up the cigarettes? Cutting soda out of the diet? Planning on being famous this year? Whatever your New Years 2018 Resolutions are, share with us for a cool discount at ALB Tech. Thanks for checking us out in this New Year ladies and gentleman – see you soon!

Please note that we will be closed Monday January 1st (New Years Day) but will re-open on Tuesday January 2nd at 11am. 

Stop by the shop, talk New Years Resolutions, and start the year off right with computer repair savings!

ALB Tech – The Fan

1208 W. Main St.
Richmond, VA 23220

Phone: (804) 355 – 2491
Email: info@albtechrva.com